vrijdag 24 april 2020

Homework Class 4

Hello dear children,
How was your ‘schoolweek’ last week? Did you eat an icecream?
Did you enjoy drawing the house and listening to the song?

  • What are we going to do this week?
  1. We repeat the rooms you have learned 
  2. You learn about different houses
  3. You can play the house-snakegame

  1. Give me 5……..
  • Give me 5 rooms in your house
  • Write them down in your notebook

  • Check the words (with your house from last week)
  • Look at your house from last week > Answer my questions (Beantworte die Fragen) > write them down (Schreibe sie auf)
Beispiel: Where can I find a blue bed? You can find a blue bed in the bedroom. (!!Whole sentence//ganze Sätze)
  1. Who lives in the cellar?
  2. Where can I find a bed and a schoolbag?
  3. Where can you find a schoolbag?
  4. Where can you find two chairs?
  5. Where can I find the shower?
  1. Houses
  2. House
terraced house

 semi-detached house


tower block/skyscraper

So as you can see:
There are many different houses. You can live in a flat or in a terraced house. Where do you live?? Take a look at the worksheet ‘An Interview’. (also in your mail> Arbeitsplan)

What do you have to do?
  • You fill in your name>  you tick the box (x)

  • Now you interview your friends/neighbour (Nachbar)/family. Ask them where they live and > tick the box
  1. Snakehousegame

Play the snakehousegame. You need:
-a partner/partners

-a dice 

-a pawn

  1. Put your pawns on start
  2. Roll the dice
  3. Step into the house
  4. You tell where you are (Zum Beispiel: I am in the living room)

If you don’t know where you are, you go two steps back.

  1. If you come on a red spot, you have to go back two steps

  2. If you come on a green spot, you can move two steps forward
  3. If you step on the snakes tail, or on the staircase (Leiter), You can climb 
  4. or…..
When you step on the face of the snake or the top of the staircase,
You have to go down…

The first one to arrive, is the winner.

Good luck!!

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  Homework// Hausaufgaben 01.02-05.02 Hello dear children, did you draw your house and did you play the snakegame? I hope you enjoyed it! Le...