donderdag 23 april 2020

Homework 20-24 april

Hello dear children,                
How are you doing? We haven’t heard from each other for a while. I hope, you enjoyed your Eastern Holiday (Osterferien). I was happy the sun was shining and we have a big garden where I could play table tennis with my children. Or just lay  down in the sun. I met some friends, but only online with ‘Houseparty’ and ‘Zoom’. Did you also meet some friends online?

Before the holiday, the theme was friends and: what can I do with friends. Now we will start a new theme. It’s all about HOUSE
  • How is your house looking?
  • Which rooms can you find in a house?
  • What kind of house do you have?
  • And finally: What is your  Dreamhouse?
So here is the new topic HOUSE for you. Let’s see what you have to do this week.
HOMEWORK 20-24 April
  1. Look at the worksheet(Arbeitsblatt). You see a house with many rooms.
  1. Read the tekst (Lese)
  2. Draw what you read (Male was du siehst)
Zum Beispiel:
In the bedroom there is a big blue bed> look for the bedroom> Male ein blaues Bett Im Schlafzimmer
c. Write down the ‘Room-words’ and translate (übersetze)
                Zum Beispiel: Bedroom--------Schlafzimmer

d.Do the scanning task:
  • Underline (markiere) “there is”> How often did you find it? (Zähle)
  • Underline “there are” (andere Farbe)> How often did you find it?

  1. Follow the links and exercise words.
  1. House song: Listen to the song and look for the words. How many words do you remember (an wie viele Wörter erinnerst du dich?)
click here (Klick und festhalten Strg)
House memory play
click here(Klick und festhalten Strg) You can make it as difficult as you like.

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  Homework// Hausaufgaben 01.02-05.02 Hello dear children, did you draw your house and did you play the snakegame? I hope you enjoyed it! Le...